So Much Modem Madness
So Much Modem Madness (Power User Software) (1993).ISO
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1,218 lines
MACROCVT.ZIP 5899 08-26-93 MACRO CONVERT v1.0; Program for converting
| the @MACRO codes in FeatherNet BBS v4.2a's
| screens to the NEW code names in FeatherNet
| BBS v5.0. This will work for ASCII, ANSI,
| XCODE & RIP screens and menus.
MAILBOX.ZIP 89875 10-16-93 Log on E-Mail system. Users can read and
| reply to E-Mail during LOGON, before they
| reach the BBS. Features "Junk Mail" to send
| mail to all users by levels (GAP BBS only).
MAKEARC3.ZIP 44621 07-14-92 MakeArc V3.02 With C Source Code
MAKEBX14.ZIP 91613 03-18-93 MakeBix v1.4; Allows you to move downloads
| from several information sources into a BIBL
| database. Supports conversions from
| ABI-Inform (CD-ROM) AGRICOLA (SilverPlatter)
| ERIC (SilverPlatter) PsychInfo (SilverPlatter
MAKEFREQ.ZIP 4159 08-09-93 Freq file list generator for Ezycom BBS.
MAKLST11.ZIP 73416 02-02-93 MAKE-LST v1.01; BEST master file list-
| generation tool that works with almost any
| BBS software! It's also the pro's choice!
| Direct support for RBBS-PC, PC Board, TriBBS
| plus thousands of other software. Supports an
| unlimited number of files, up to 100 file
| categories, also features high speed routines
| which means you won't be waiting for MAKE-LS
| to complete! Includes handy sorting utility
| to keep file lists up to date. Generates a
MASTER19.ZIP 55837 03-29-93 ListMaster v1.9; Create a Master File List of
| your Bulletin Board's File Area's.
MBULL219.ZIP 123636 06-24-92 MaleBull; ANSI/PCB/WC! CDE Support For BBS
MBV3.ZIP 42407 01-26-93 Master-B: the bulletin-menu manager.
| Excellent program to create a listing of
| bulletins on bbss and the dates they were
| last updated.
MD_LAW.ZIP 10282 08-02-92 New law in Maryland as it pertains to modem
| usage.
MEAND13.ZIP 11610 06-22-93 MeanDate v1.3; Report the number of selected
| files, the dates of the newest and oldest
| files, as well as their mean date in months.
| Optionally ignores FILE_ID.DIZ.
MEGACATA.ZIP 161928 01-01-93 DESCRIPTOR A Showcase Utility! SAMPLE VERSION
| Authors can save time by describing their
| Doors, Utilities, and others in a classy DOS
| Interface with Pull-Down Menus.Form Printing,
| Sound Blaster Support and more! Shareware.
MELKIC.ZIP 110933 01-10-93 Add VGA to your vbbs 5.60 bbs. Pretty good.
MENU0ANS.ZIP 5849 05-29-92 Ansi Menus of Menu0 for RBBS
| PcINFOMATICS.BBS.(216)944-5639
MENUSMPL.ZIP 39932 11-02-91 Here is some of my menus that I've worked
| extremely hard on and thought they may be of
| some help to others. Pass these along to
| other XBBS SysOps!
MEZZ444.ZIP 139008 06-27-93 Metro-Mezzanine, IV, v4.44; sophisticated BBS
| center/hub, for access to more than one BBS
| program or utility, even in multinode setups.
| Has many other uses, too, like DOOR monitor,
| program downloading front-end, etc.
| Registration adds lots of extra features!
| Supports DigiBoard & non-standard ports. The
| best (and first) BBS carousel keeps getting
| better and better, only now it's also the
| best (and ONLY) BBS center/hub!
MKQM4BLT.ZIP 39247 07-18-93 Create Bulletins of top ten message up and
| downloader for users using the QMAIL4 door
| FREEWARE: Updates USERNET.DAT for multinode
| systems not using all of their nodes. It will
| insert a bogus "user" into USERNET.DAT so
| that callers will think there is a user on
| that node!
MMUPS151.ZIP 15807 08-26-93 MM Uploads v1.51; Superior New File lists;
| Create easy to read and colourful New File
| Bulletins that also include a "Thank you"
| note to all the uploaders contributing.
MOREFBI.ZIP 5968 02-08-93 More Raids - Offworld Bbs Busted; Air Force
| Colonel Loses Retirement For P 1993
MOVE320.ZIP 30219 02-16-92 This is a great file mover for TBBS version
| 2.x. This program moves files, sorts pseudo
| directories, cross references DOS dirs, and
| much more. This is a fully functional demo
| program restricted to 10 file areas max.
MPD204.ZIP 46649 10-12-91 MSTPOPDL - Most Popular Downloads; utility
| program for Searchlight BBS programs. The
| program will only work with SL version 2.11
| and higher.
MPIXIT.ZIP 72750 11-28-92 Major BBS logout quotes.
MQM.ZIP 35013 03-30-92 Mistic Questionaire Maker; utility that
| allows the SysOp to custom make their own
| questionairres. The Utility provides support
| for ANSI, and ASCII, a defined set of
| commands, a repeat loop, and an IF statement
MRKT_NTR.ZIP 9238 03-20-93 Informational Show on The Marketer, A New BBS
| Utility for SysOps who want to promote their
| Bulletin Boards. VGA and PC Speaker Required.
MSGRTO12.ZIP 83744 09-06-93 MESSAGE/RATIO v1.2ß Encourages your users to
| become more active in your message bases, for
| the "Posting" of messages!! Limits access to
| areas of your choice by a specific Post/Ratio
MSGUPL.ZIP 3737 01-27-93 Allows message uploads for Proboard bbs.
MSTAT.ZIP 39008 03-08-93 Message base statistics; Gives complete
| statistics about who has left messages, how
| many, to whom, titles
MSYS2FBB.ZIP 5429 04-18-93 Msys to fbb mailfile conversion utility.
MTAOVF10.ZIP 132036 05-03-92 MTA is a conversion utility to convert al-
| most any archive and/or GIF to another for-
| mat. It contains special support for BBS's,
| exits, doors and such. Also you can check for
| virus inside the archives while you convert.
| Add-on utilities included !! See MTA_VF10 for
| a description of changes. THIS IS THE OVERLAY
MULTI201.ZIP 24151 02-09-93 MultiBBS v2.0; Run 2 BBS softwares from your
| Front End. Easy Selection for the User. Chat
| Mode. Download the RoboTerm while in the
| Program Status bar. Configurable ANSIS
| part... FREEWARE!
MULTRING.ZIP 4395 01-06-93 Information on Bell's multi-ring service to
| allows one phone line to be used for several
| devices. 01/06/93.
M_PCLR10.ZIP 39803 07-26-92 M&P Color v1.0: replaces searchlight color.
NAMEBBS.ZIP 13615 08-19-91 Name your bbs: essential naming aide program
| from Pinnacle Software.
NAMER.ZIP 34794 01-04-93 Random BBS alias generator. Very funny.
NCHAT_PP.ZIP 15170 10-02-93 A NEW and better split screen chat! Faster,
| better looking, more features, more
| configurable, and FREE! Release
NET31.ZIP 192223 07-22-92 Newest WWIVnet software to date.
NETLOGO1.ZIP 32035 09-06-93 NetLOGO v1.0; Insert a Text file into your
| Zip's as a LOGO.
NET_TREE.ZIP 33989 02-16-92 VBBS utility to give a tree representation of
| the VirtualNet layout and any error
| conditions which might exist.
NEWDAY45.ZIP 60075 08-05-91 NewDay/PC v4.5c; This program performs
| similar functions, and accepts the same
| datafiles as "Today" (Patricks Kincaid's
| original history program).
NEWFIL21.ZIP 34053 09-29-93 NEWFILES 2.1: Generates bulletins showing
| uploaded files "nnn" days old. Supports
| multiple nodes and conferences. For
| Powerboard 1.25a
NEWINTRO.ZIP 2398 11-07-92 Change your inlog to a real fast one and give
| more room to the language description than
| PCBoard would allow you. It combines the
| first to screens of PCB. Welcome and choice
| of language in just one screen. Change the
| files to match your system. You and your
| users will like it.
NEWMSG20.ZIP 83637 03-13-92 New User Message v2.0 : Added Features
| PCBoard 14.x Utility That informs the Sysop
| when a new user logs on. Free Registration.
NEWSFLSH.ZIP 91288 09-13-92 NewsFlash v1.0 - bulletin displaying program
| Displays bulletin only once. Access level
| control and more.
NM2DT11.ZIP 12254 08-02-92 Name-To-Date is a freeware utility written to
| allow you to rename a file with it's date as
| the major part of the filename. Very useful
| for QWK and logfiles. Another DoubleZ Freebie!
NMSGS11M.ZIP 68539 10-06-93 New Message Update for GAP v1.1 (Multi-node)
| NEWMSGS uses virtual memory techniques to do
| a very fast update of the new message
| counters for all your users. Freeware.
NPA_0992.ZIP 732600 09-17-92 Telephone exchange finder. Enter an area code
| and exchange and NPA will tell you the city
| and state. Enter the name of a city and NPA
| will search for all valid exchanges. Also
| reports population figures and latitude,
| logitude coordinates.
NR303.ZIP 164096 10-27-92 NewsRoom version 3.03 . BBS News generating
| software. Create news files using ANSI,
| PCBoard color codes. A little cosmetic fix
| for one of the formats, and addition of a
| "never purge" category for news items.
NTQT20.ZIP 129248 02-15-93 NETWORK QUOTABLES v2.0 <ASP> - Be greeted w/
| famous, witty, daily quotes on standalone or
| network PCs. Make the network interesting and
| fun. The same quote can be displayed for all
| network users on a particular day. Can be run
| as a non-TSR screen saver with user message.
| An optional net. admin. message can be
| displayed below the quote. Add, Edit, Delete,
| Print or Search quotes. Registration: $25
| standalone, $75 Network.
NUB17.ZIP 40746 10-06-93 New User Bulletin v1.7; This is a little
| utility that will list the new users on your
| system in an ANSI and ASCII bulletin. You may
| configure the number of days to consider a
| new user, minimum access levels to include,
| and fully configure the colorization of your
| bulletins. v1.7 allows you to specify 7 bit
| characters to be used for the ASCII bulletin.
NUMSG.ZIP 2102 01-29-92 Modification for new message search for VBBS.
NWSMAN10.ZIP 103268 11-22-92 News Manager - A utility allowing a SysOp or
| a person designated by the SysOp to maintain
| multiple text files on the BBS from a remote
| location. For example keep NEWS files up to
| date or change a security specific file from
| remote. I wrote this door to solve a need of
| my own. Version 1.0 has no bells and frills.
| If you have an idea for additions holler!!!!
NWSMAN12.ZIP 102363 07-14-93 News Manager; Allows a SysOp to maintain
| multiple text files on the BBS from remote
NWSMKR21.ZIP 25585 12-31-91 Newsmaker v2.1 - PCBoard 14.x NEWS maker.
| Simply create a NEWS file using your favorite
| text editor, add some formatting codes, and
| Newsmaker will process the text file and
| output a nice, headered NEWS file. Completely
| color-customizable. Will support five-colors
| to enhance your text. Written by Greg Barton,
| SysOp of ACCUG BBS.
NWV100B4.ZIP 25385 05-11-92 Monitor program with mouse support - Even to
| RELEASE A TNE SYSTEM instead of ALT - Just
| press the right mouse button!!! For
| You'll like this program better than ALL the
| rest if you run an average BBS and love the
| mouse! This program Requires the Use of The
| Network Eye.
OLZ-13.ZIP 123637 02-08-93 OneLinerZ! v1.3; Written, and should work
| with Renegade, T.A.G., and Telegard. Based on
| a "rumors" program that allows users to enter
| one line of ANSI, AVATAR or ASCII text,
| usually the oneliners are something like
| this: "Press ALT-H for SysOp access!!", or
| often they are used to advertise bulletin
| boards, "Call AVERNUS at 313.427.0224!", etc.
ON891.ZIP 6525 01-14-93 Simple joke program that looks like you are
| getting into a government bbs. 01/14/93.
PAGAN02.ZIP 13042 02-13-93 Internet Faq (Answers To Freq. Asked Qns.) on
| paganist religious beliefs and observances,
PAGE.ZIP 90969 10-17-93 PAGE BRAIN SYSOP PAGE DOOR Set page hours,
| bell on/off times. Callers can leave a one
| line comment with reason for paging.
PAKTOC10.ZIP 16354 10-13-91 Press a key to continue for use by BBSs.
PANORAMA.ZIP 31230 09-01-91 ZIP extract Program For Searchlight BBS 2.X.
PARSE130.ZIP 138683 10-08-92 Parseit v1.30; Files list parseing utility.
| Hits & Exclusions are supported. Generate
| lists of definate interest from your favorite
| bbs system.
PAYBBS.ZIP 4377 01-31-93 Information on new service for pay bbs sysops.
PBDIAG.ZIP 36343 07-19-93 PBDIAG 1.00: Powerboard BBS ver 1.2 Complete
| Diagnostics system. Provides analysis of
| conference configuration, hardware/DOS/system
| configuration, event, main setup, PCL syntax
| check, vital EXE integrity, COMM port
| analysis, IRQ/iobase and TSR conflicts, more.
PBM11.ZIP 22732 12-26-92 Pasco BBS Magazine, January 1993, first
| issue, Interview with Nels Anderson, PascoNet
| feature and much more!
PBMR132S.ZIP 15309 04-25-92 FILES.BBS utility designed for Power Board.
| The output file is in a standard format so so
| that any bbs can use it.
PBNEWBUL.ZIP 33512 09-15-93 NEWFILES 1.0 : Generates a bulletin listing
| files that have been uploaded in the last
| "nnn" days. Powerboard 1.25a
PBNEWS.ZIP 5719 02-01-93 News Bulletin maker for Proboard bbs.
PBRMWRL3.ZIP 56004 12-26-92 Remote user editor for Proboard bbs.
PCBV_PB.ZIP 707 01-24-93 Utility to allow use of pcbverify door w/
| powerboard.
PCG_105.ZIP 127820 10-12-92 PC Gopher II v1.05 - a program that lets user
| search for and retrieve information stored on
| other computers, known as Gopher Servers.
PCLPACK.ZIP 94694 07-13-93 PCLPACK 1.00: collection of control language
| routines, additions & hints from Powerboard
| BBS sysops, for Powerboard BBS v1.2+.
PCLS20R.ZIP 21697 12-27-91 ProCalls 2.0R - PCBoard 14.5 previous caller
| bulletin generator. Fully functional
| shareware program.
PCPROD2.ZIP 249811 07-20-93 Lists of hardware, (modems, monitors, boards,
| cables, chips, etc.) & software (DOS,
| Windows, OS/2) for the PC. All listed by
| category and at low prices. Updated monthly.
PCR_185.ZIP 12530 02-28-93 PcRemove v1.85 - Caller Log Editor PcRemove
| will remove unwanted information from the
| CALLER*.* logs. New version will allow you to
| also remove specific lines along with users
| name. Command line option added for quick and
| easy use. Bug fix with detecting caller's log
| fixed with single line versions of PcBoard.
PEEK_222.ZIP 94935 05-18-92 Peeker is a short XBBS utility that will look
| inside archives (ZOO, ARC, PKA, PAK, LZH,
| ARJ, ad nauseum), read FILES.BBS listings,
| and optionally create extract files from
| archives, all online.
PHONEWIZ.ZIP 51027 07-20-93 PhoneWiz is a DOS based application and will
| convert your phone number to feasible
| word-number combination. It has a dictionary
| of about 10,000 words. It also lets you add
| more words to the dictionary.
PINBRD12.ZIP 40088 01-02-93 PinBoard-Manager, handles up to 99 different
| logoff-notes of your users and displays them
| in a news-like ANS/ASC file. Now Users can
| change Colors in their text !!!
PND10B.ZIP 71372 08-20-91 Pronews deluxe BBS news/ANSI generator.
PPAGE210.ZIP 76142 01-09-93 Pocket Pager: sysop page system for SLBBS.
PRFP100.ZIP 12927 01-17-93 PRFP v1.0; The Pseudo-Random File Picker
PRODZ203.ZIP 44747 09-10-92 ProDIZ 2.03 - ProDoor 3.44 utility to replace
| caller U/L descriptions with a FILE_ID.DIZ or
| DESC.SDI file if found in ZIP, LZH, and ARJ
| archives. This version fixes the /Local mode
| of operation and adds the /E switch to erase
| files that fail the maximum age requirement.
| WARNING!!! This only works with ProDoor 3.44
| dated 12/31/91 or later! This is FREEWARE
PROFM210.ZIP 370830 02-11-93 ProFAM v2.1; Professional File Area Manager
PROSTP12.ZIP 13166 09-25-91 <ProStrip> Ver 1.1; strips Pro Series
| bulletins for clean individual bulletins
PROTOHLP.ZIP 26710 03-02-92 Protocol Setup for SuperBBS
PS_800.ZIP 9025 10-03-92 Supposed to display ownership of 800 numbers.
PTCHEVT1.ZIP 31968 11-20-91 PatchEvt Version 1.0, released Nov 20th 1991.
| PCBoard V14.5a SysOp Utility. Maintains
| proper event schedules when using Front-Ends.
| (Front Door, BinkleyTerm, etc). A MUST!
PTIME10S.ZIP 7821 08-31-93 PowerTime 1.00: Creates charts for bulletins
| showing a graph of number of callers for all
| times of the For Powerboard BBS 1.0-1.45.
PWPLWARN.ZIP 29176 07-11-92 PWPLWARN File for Password Plus. Reads log
| file and warns if there have been any recent
| failed password attempts. Run this file from
| your autoexec.bat file. Not a release by the
| Password Plus author.
PWRGIF12.ZIP 66001 12-31-92 Power*GIF, Generates GIF preview files for
| PowerBBS systems. Users can select up to nine
| individual GIFs to be included in the preview
| file. Includes link to List and Search files
| and consideration for limited access GIFs.
| FREEWARE program from ProtoWrxs! Software.
| Req PowerBBS v1.91+ DOS or WIN version.
| Written by Stephen W. Nolen
PWRLST47.ZIP 212167 10-14-93 Power List v4.7; A utility allowing a user to
| create his own personal files list based on
| interests. Why download complete file list?
| Choose directories that are of interest. You
| can also scan for files by date or scan for
| text. Supports non-standard comports. Now
| allows adding dirs by range. Now reads the
| DIR.LST file automatically. Fixed a problem
| with non-PCB systems and the GoodBye command.
QAC112.ZIP 17483 01-01-92 Quote access controller v1.12 for sl 2.x.
| Control who gets to leave a logoff quote.
QI200.ZIP 46506 06-09-93 QuoteIt v2.0; Generate ASCII/ANSI quote
| bulletins for almost any bbs system, using
| your own quote list. Three quote lists are
| included. The bulletins generated are
| completely user configurable.
QMAKER10.ZIP 11566 03-08-93 QMaker v1.0 a random quote generator to be
| used with remote access but can be converted
| for almost any bbs software.
QOFDV605.ZIP 153458 10-26-92 Quote O' The Day v6.05- For almost any BBS
| Display random quotes to users online. Has
| door so users can add quotes of their own.
| Sysop can add, edit delete quotes, and screen
| added quotes before they are used. Uncle
| Productions
QOTD19.ZIP 240300 02-15-93 Quote Of The Day version 1.9: Over 5000
| quotes and giggles, with lots of display
| parameters. This version certified
| networkable. Ok, it fixes a couple of small
| bugs as well.
QRFM41.ZIP 255421 12-04-92 BBS File Manager for BBS Systems that use
| Files.BBS to describe files. QRFM will Move
| Files; Virus Chk.; Recompress; Edit Desc.,
| Name, Date. Backup/Catalog files on floppy.
| Creates file lists including AllFiles and
| Cross Ref. Lists. CD-ROM Compatable & More.
QUOTEIT.ZIP 8542 01-26-92 Make new bulletins each day from a list.
QUOTER3.ZIP 17059 02-04-92 A quote of the Day BBS utility
QWKSRT56.ZIP 24430 03-11-93 QWKSORT v5.6; Re-Index QWK Subs for VBBS 5.60
| This program will relieve the sysop of the
| burden of keeping track of the QWK numbers
| assigned to message subs.
RAH0992.ZIP 11256 09-01-92 Random Access Humor v0#0; Rag-tag collection
| of fugitive humor, some of which is vaguely
| related to the BBS/Online System world.
RAH1092.ZIP 12979 10-01-92 Random Access Humor v0#1; Rag-tag collection
| of fugitive humor, some of which is vaguely
| related to the BBS/Online System world.
RAH1192.ZIP 12318 11-01-92 Random Access Humor v0#2; Rag-tag collection
| of fugitive humor, some of which is vaguely
| related to the BBS/Online System world.
RAH1292.ZIP 10846 12-01-92 Random Access Humor v0#3; Rag-tag collection
| of fugitive humor, some of which is vaguely
| related to the BBS/Online System world.
RAH9308.ZIP 22928 08-01-93 Random Access Humor; Monthly electronic humor
| magazine by and for the online community.
| ASCII text. Free for non-commercial purposes.
| Contents: Memories of a DP Major; System
| Design 101; Product Liability Suit; The Twit
| Filter: The Star Gazer; RAH Humor Review:
| Robin Hood: Men in Tights; Taglines Seen
| Around the Nets.
RAH9308R.ZIP 37595 08-01-93 Random Access Humor; Monthly electronic humor
| magazine by and for the online community.
| READROOM.TOC version. Free for non-commercial
| purposes. Contents: Memories of a DP Major;
| System Design 101; Product Liability Suit;
| The Twit Filter: The Star Gazer; RAH Humor
| Review: Robin Hood: Men in Tights; Taglines
| Seen Around the Nets.
RAH9310.ZIP 30833 10-01-93 Random Access Humor - October 1993 Monthly
| electronic humor magazine by and for the
| online community. ASCII text. Free for
| non-commercial purposes. Contents: History
| Lesson; As the Hard Drive Turns, Pt 4; Say
| What?!; Windows to the Soul; Floods and
| Locusts; Aussies in the Palace; Grunged
| Glossary; RAH Humor Review: Mystery Science
| Theater 3000; RAH Needs A Logo!
RAH9310R.ZIP 39891 10-01-93 Random Access Humor - October 1993 Monthly
| electronic humor magazine by and for the
| online community. READROOM.TOC version. Free
| for non-commercial purposes. Contents:
| History Lesson; As the Hard Drive Turns, Pt
| 4; Say What?!; Windows to the Soul; Floods
| and Locusts; Aussies in the Palace; Grunged
| Glossary; RAH Humor Review: Mystery Science
| Theater 3000; RAH Needs A Logo!
RANDANSI.ZIP 31447 12-24-92 RANDANSI v1.0; Randansi is a program that can
| be used to select a random ANSI screen for
| most BBS welcome screens.
RANDCP10.ZIP 10139 02-17-93 RandomCopy 1.0; RandomCopy is a small utility
| that will copy files at random. You can give
| a range of files (with wildcards), RandomCopy
| will select one of those and copy it to a
| filename/directory. Very useful for BBS
| SysOps who want to use random logon/logoff
| screens etc.
RANDFILE.ZIP 3592 01-10-93 Random file display for TBBS/TDBS (picks from
| mask).
RANOTE12.ZIP 22712 10-09-92 BBS automessage utility: Doorinfo, door.sys,
| pcb.sys support. Freeware.
RANSI-3.ZIP 79680 02-01-93 Random ANSI opening screens 4 Searchlight &
| other bbs's.
RAPNOTE2.ZIP 42668 02-27-93 Sysop note leaving utility for most BBS
| Systems
RBTOON01.ZIP 69859 01-09-93 Collection of roboboard bbs graphics.
RDS_V201.ZIP 159606 08-22-92 RDS is a remote DOS-shell. It is not a
| DOORWAY <tm> alike program but a program to
| perform various (maintenance) functions with
| FULL security on ALL specified drives
| directories and files. It can be setup for
| single users, a multiple number of users or
| EVEN ALL users. RDS gives the protection YOU
| like while maintaining a full DOS shell
READER.ZIP 10349 05-31-93 Reads your "allfiles.lst" and create a text
| file displaying the names of all the
| directories listed.
REG11.ZIP 11806 02-07-93 User registration program v1.1 for TBBS/TDBS.
REMOTE93.ZIP 48093 07-06-93 Ever had remote system operators have the
| need to view script answer files? However,
| you have only been able to use the sysop
| command to view files, meaning you have to
| know path locations. Now we have a easy way
| to view these answer files. *PCBoard SYSTEMS
| ONLY*. Beta 093ß, released July 15, 1993.
RENAMARC.ZIP 15948 03-13-91 Rename Files to The Day-Of-Week Extension.
| Good For Backup Purposes
RGNC10.ZIP 17558 09-03-92 NO CARRIER v1.00 Std. Creates a nice ANSI and
| ASCII bulletin of users who have dropped
| carrier on a Renegade BBS system. With the
| PERSAD Software, Inc. trademark of no messy
| command lines and EASY setup! Inhibit
| improper carrier drop with this really great
| utility. This is the standard release.
RIDDANCE.ZIP 32580 02-02-92 Sysops utility to delete users who haven't
| called for a specified number of days.
RIM300.ZIP 301586 12-03-92 Robo-board icon mover utility.
RIPTOGR.ZIP 4682 08-27-93 RIPTOGR v1.0 - Convert DOOR.SYS/USERINFO.
RMS346.ZIP 80650 03-06-93 RMS CATALOG SYSTEM V3.46 / RMS BUILD V1.3
| Enhanced system for PCBoard and other BBSs!
| Menu-driven Sysop tools to build/edit data
| files of your BBS file listings that callers
| can use with a classy offline user catalog
| program. Both Tools & User Catalog pgms have
| colorful sculpted menus, scrolling windows,
| powerful search/print/picklist* features,
| custom BBS info, foreign language support,
| online Sysop edit tools, more! Shareware. $25
ROBOUC01.ZIP 73676 03-12-93 Utility to change user stats for ROBO BBS
ROBOUE01.ZIP 48998 03-12-93 Edit user records for robo graphical BBS
ROMPR134.ZIP 65740 09-18-93 ROMProc v1.34; CD-ROM Download Processor
| Perfect for any BBS system running CD-ROM
| drives and/or LANs! Handles the complete
| download process by copying file(s) to a
| specified area, commenting them, transmitting
| with the appropriate protocol, cleaning up
| and returning to the BBS. Detects archive
| format, including SFX and SDN archives. Does
| not need batch files. Shareware, not
| crippled. Now supports drive locking!
ROS2PCB.ZIP 23772 10-14-91 ROS2PCB Version 1.0. A utility for sysops
| converting from ROS to PCBoard software.
| ROS2PCB will convert the ROS directories to
| PCBoard format, fast and easy to use.
ROTATE.ZIP 57876 09-06-93 RotateIt v1.5; BBS Automated Screen Rotation
| program. Up to 5 different screens.
ROTATE12.ZIP 35800 08-22-93 BBS screen file rotation utility Generic
| enough to run with just about any BBS.
ROTATE1B.ZIP 40966 07-04-92 Welcome/Goodbye Screen Rotator
ROTOWEL7.ZIP 29831 02-06-93 ROTOWEL 7.0 - Easy to use freeware bulletin
| board display screen rotator. Change welcome,
| bulletin, logoff, etc. screens automatically
| using 3 different sort options. Show special
| screens on specified dates. Intelligent
| handling of graphics and non-graphics files.
| Many improvements over Version 6.0.
RSCN106C.ZIP 60852 01-23-93 Robobbs file uploader scanner and convertor.
RSCRN20.ZIP 44426 05-24-92 BBS / Autoexec screen rotator. Cycles through
| unlimited screens, for BBS hello/goodbye
| screens, or local pc screens. Now Desqview
| aware.
RUE_200.ZIP 103095 08-15-92 (v2.00) Remote User Editor for SuperBBS
RYNEWF12.ZIP 18970 10-04-93 RyNEWF v1.0; RyNEWF is a new file lister. It
| is mainly meant to be used in first.bat for
| users to scan for new files at log-on instead
| of having to go to the file menu to scan for
| them. RyNEWF using download.bbs to tell it
| were the file directories are.
S2A150.ZIP 99558 01-23-92 Flexible bulletin maker. Ans/asc, auto-maint,
| multi-door.
SAGE32.ZIP 144782 01-03-92 SAGE 3.2. Manage and select from an editable
| digest of quotes, jokes, fortunes etc.
| Includes a sample with over 2,000 items.
| Flexible. Professionally written. Great for
| BBS sysops, as well as users.
SAPB113.ZIP 20480 10-06-92 SAPB v1.13 for BBBS; Reads a BBSlogfile and
| creates 2 bulletin files. Calculates total
| logins, new users, time used, chats with
| sysop, messages entered and read, downloads,
| uploads, doors opened, QWK upload and
| downloads etc.
SBASE110.ZIP 60690 04-09-93 SuperBase 1.10; A bbslist database. It allows
| users to enter or view BBS info, including
| phone #, name, software used, etc.
SBBSTIP1.ZIP 11337 01-26-93 SuperBBS tips #1.
SBBSTIP2.ZIP 11439 02-14-93 SuperBBS tips #2.
SBBSTIP3.ZIP 22626 03-23-93 SuperBBS tips #3.
SBBSTIP4.ZIP 15264 03-28-93 SuperBBS tips #4.
SBBSTIP5.ZIP 18356 04-18-93 SuperBBS tips #5.
SBOX10.ZIP 40277 05-31-93 The Switch Box v1.0; Automatic screen changer
| for BBS sysops, offers Random Selection
| Screens can be stored in a ZIP archive,
| Series Selection. Knows ANY user defined
| Holiday/Event!
SCALL210.ZIP 56718 12-25-92 SuperCalls! The ultimate "Who Called Today"
| Bulletin/Hello screen generator for
| PCB/Wildcat. Sysop configurable! Shows your
| daily callers names only once in the display
| screen! Also has many informative features.
SCREAM20.ZIP 28546 12-08-91 callers choose tune to y)ell for the Sysop.
SCRIPTDL.ZIP 12016 02-12-92 SCRIPTDL version 1.0 (02-12-92). A simple
| program that converts the output of script
| questionnaires (answer files) to comma
| delimited text files for later import into a
| database. A free utility from Bob and
| Kathey's BBS!
SCRLFQOT.ZIP 23314 09-06-91 Alternate multiline quote generator for
| Simplex BBS.
SDR_1.ZIP 11187 04-12-93 SDReminder v1.0; Utility to show users ansi
| and ascii text files based on thier
| subscription date and security level. Will
| only be shown to them once per day. Versions
| included for both RA1.11 and RA2.00
SECDOS10.ZIP 42216 07-17-93 SecureDOS v1.0; SecureDOS makes your Drop To
| DOS command SAFE! SecureDOS allows you to let
| your cosysops to drop to a DOS emulator and
| have almost all the power of actually being
| in DOS, without the danger. You can specify
| directories that are out of reach, and
| individual files too. Has many extras too,
| such as an ANSI FULL Screen File Editor
SECMSG31.ZIP 8147 08-28-91 Different message for every security level on
| a BBS.
SFA3B15.ZIP 60745 04-14-93 SmartFA Beta 15, bug fixes for the REARJ and
| FILES.BBS routines plus new options for
| FILES.BBS entries.
SHAMPGE2.ZIP 35640 06-02-92 Answers pages whether sysop is there or not.
SHROM18G.ZIP 18669 09-14-91 Shell Room Utility; Utility that gives a DOS
| application's shells more room. It does this
| by intercepting the shell operation, swapping
| out the application program, freeing up the
| memory, and then performing the shell
| operation. It also intercepts the exit from
| the shell, so that it can swap the
| application back in before returning to it.
SJG_CASE.ZIP 37090 04-14-93 Hypertext version of the final opinion of the
| Steve Jackson Games Case. A MUST read for all
| SysOps, BBS users and members of law
| enforcement who are considering BUSTING a
| BBS! Includes not only the entire court
| opinion, but also lots of text from the
| Federal law as cited by the judge.
SJ_9304.ZIP 13909 04-13-93 STRANGE JOURNEY; Premier issue of the e-zine
| of e-zines Reviews of electronic publications
SKYSAT2.ZIP 13953 07-30-92 Skylink Communications text file written to
| explain Skylink - a service that sends the
| latest shareware files over a satellite and
| onto computer. subscription is $50 a year.
SL2DORIN.ZIP 6191 03-05-93 Convert Searchlight BBS to DORINFO1.DEF run
| doors needing the DORINFO1.DEF file.
SL2DORM.ZIP 6343 11-30-92 Create multi-node dorinox.def for Searchlight
| BBS.
SL2QBBS.ZIP 36736 12-11-92 Converts Searchlight 2. to doriinfox.def.
SLAM18.ZIP 31813 04-17-92 Searchlight alias maker (slam) 1.8, for SLBBS
| version 2.xx.
SLBLTN.ZIP 5319 04-17-92 Force users to read a bulletin message, for
| SLBBS version 2.xx.
SLC110.ZIP 31945 06-22-92 Searchlight upload processer (SLBBS 2.25+).
| Scans new uploads and sends email report to
| sysop. Freeware.
SLCALL09.ZIP 95745 08-24-92 SL-CallBack v0.07; SL-CallBack is essentially
| a Callback-verification door SPECIFIC to
| Searchlight BBS! Instead of having to spend
| hours voice-validating users, or having
| important callers wait for you to validate
| them, they can get validated by your own
| system.
SLDIRSC.ZIP 14750 12-19-92 Adds all files in a directory to a
| SearchLight BBS .SL2 file.
SLFLAGS.ZIP 15079 02-24-93 Searchlight Flag Toggler For version 2.15;
| Allows you to toggle the state of any of
| three flags usually controlled by hot keys on
| the local console: The Super user Flag; The
| AVAILABILITY Flag; The Next on Flag
SLFLIST2.ZIP 52656 08-01-92 File list generator for Searchlight bbs.
SLLOGIN.ZIP 9475 02-09-93 SL-LOGIN v.50; This is a Simple AUTODOOR LOG
| IN Program that allows a user to see his
| status on the board. ETC.
SLMST100.ZIP 26850 02-10-93 SLMaster V1.0; Searchlight Offline File List
| Created to make a professional-looking list
| of all files available for download on a
| Searchlight bulletin board.
SLNAME13.ZIP 56243 02-09-92 Auto-logoff door for SearchLight BBS, prints
| user's name on the screen in big letters &
| color.
SLOG.ZIP 39281 08-13-91 Store Log archives BBS logs each day in an
| event . The program will archive and store
| the log under the current date and then
| delete your original log file (optional).
SLPUZZLE.ZIP 12063 02-01-93 Puzzle This game is like the '15' puzzle you
| have as a kid; Works With SLBBS
SLQEDT10.ZIP 22084 09-08-91 Searchlight 2.x quote editor.
SLRENAME.ZIP 30858 01-17-91 SLRENAME - Turn handles into real names for
| export. Written to run with Searchlight BBS
| systems running SLMAIL to export echomail
| messages to *.MSG format in mind.
SLSTATUS.ZIP 15271 05-30-93 Searchlight status door utility for
| Searchlight BBS software, Lets user see board
| statistics.
SLTC301.ZIP 10884 06-10-91 SL-Today's Callers 3.01, for Searchlight bbs.
SLTPU70A.ZIP 101662 01-07-93 Searchlight software programmers guide.
SLUTILS.ZIP 63690 12-10-92 Searchlight BBS Autodoor Batch Utilities v1.1
| A suite of utilities to enhance the abilities
| of SLMAIL.EXE, VALIDATE.EXE and to provide
| the SLBBS Sysop with tools for providing
| access based upon agreement with the SYSOP's
| criteria for use of the BBS. Additionally, a
| simple questionnaire-type of utility is
| included to further enhance the SLBBS Sysop's
| ability to process users.
SLVIEW.ZIP 18984 03-22-93 SLview archive viewer door version 1.0 for
| Searchlight bbs & others. Arc/zip/arj
| supported. View text files in archive online
SLVW082B.ZIP 30446 03-10-93 View program for SLBBS. Go inside of
| compressed files while online and download
| only certain files from the compressed file.
SL_FSTAT.ZIP 17265 08-16-92 SL_FSTAT (statistics utility) This program
| will generate some .TXT files with statistics
| based on the information in the files
| ACTIVITY.LOG and FILES.LOG. (or whatever you
| have called them on your system). can be used
| as an automatic, daily, EVENT
SMSFBBS.ZIP 5676 11-26-92 Utility to convert the FILES.BBS file listing
| in each directory on the SO MUCH .. CD-ROM's
| and output a listing without size/dates.
SMSROBO.ZIP 5615 05-17-93 Convert power user So Much ... CD-ROM lists
| for Robobbs use.
SNEAK01.ZIP 31008 02-15-92 Sneak v1.0; Sneak scans user lists for
| callers who have called on a specified date.
| It will produce a file called "Sneak.REP",
| and will append to it each time the program
| is run.
SNIPT502.ZIP 122008 07-09-93 SNIPPET v5.02; Auto BBS quote bulletin
| generator. Unique configuration utility makes
| it EZ to customize for any system. Run via
| event, door or stand-alone. Graphics options
| and selectable foreground/background colors.
| Creates color and mono files. Includes sysop-
| editable database of 700 messages. Free!
SOPMSG.ZIP 21743 08-02-92 'Electronic' CoSysop will respond to mail.
SOUNDEXP.ZIP 513818 03-05-93 SOUNDEX-> VOC Player v1.0; Program for SYSOPS
| who own a sound card. Plays various .VOC
| files. Can be used to promote your BBS by
| editing the .VOC files. Automatically install
| and run. If you don't have a sound card, this
| program may not appeal to you.
SOURC35D.ZIP 4000 05-28-92 These files are intended to be used with
| Robocomm V4.1. Prompt file for The Source!,
| running WildCat V3.5 beta
SPEDSTAT.ZIP 3952 04-20-92 Gives % of connect speeds from Proboard bbs
| log file.
SPLTR12.ZIP 39610 07-14-93 SPLITTER v1.1; Allows a SysOp to take a very
| large DOWNLOAD.TXT file and split it into 2
| files.
SPOTDEMO.ZIP 60875 02-04-93 Demo of SLBBS user editor by Frank Larosa.
SRCHRV1.ZIP 37013 01-25-93 Search bbs file lists for filename or string.
SRTDSC21.ZIP 155114 05-24-93 SORTDESC v2.1; Find file descriptions from
| either FILE_ID.DIZ or captured file
| listing(s) & move file to a different
| directory based on key words in that
| description, place description a separate
| listing. With options to add a "FILE_NFO.DIZ"
| to archives that don't have them, remove
| graphic characters, match on names with
| different extensions, & more!
STATSC1C.ZIP 29041 09-27-93 StatusC: Generate Export, Import, Last Import
| and Monthly Total bulletins using Cam-Mail
| logs. Multi-Network. Rollovers. ANSI, ASCII
| and PCB color/mono support.
STOBBS15.ZIP 23328 03-14-93 Shuttle to BBS v1.05; Intended for the SysOp
| who wishes to run more than one Bulletin
| Board System on ONE TELEPHONE LINE!
STOP100.ZIP 24376 11-06-91 Simplex top callers/ULers/DLers v1.00.
STORE.ZIP 58010 02-21-93 Virtual BBS Account Store v1.0
STRCOM.ZIP 16967 02-02-93 STRCOM v1.1; Freeware external string
| compiler for WWIV 4.22
STRIP-G.ZIP 36784 02-28-93 Strip Ghost; Strip Ghost is used to process a
| TBBS dayfile to remove all Ghost events found
| in the dayfile in order to make the dayfile
| more readable. It may be used in conjunction
| with TSTAT or other dayfile analyzers to
| eliminate accounting anomalies due to the
| ghost events logged.
STRIPUP1.ZIP 36663 01-05-92 Utility to strip out that "Uploaded By:"
| message. Does one directory or multiple
| directories. FREEBEE!!! From the Author of
| King of the Board
SUBLST21.ZIP 21222 05-23-93 SUBLIST v2.0; Enhanced "List" command for
| Searchlight BBS systems v3.xx. Shows subboard
| membership, new message counts, and more.
| Multi-tasking and multi-node aware. Monitors
| idle time and user time limits. Sports a new
| stats-bar and the new SL "More... Continue
| Stop" prompt.
SUBSCRIB.ZIP 31763 02-05-92 VBBS utility to allow you to see who is post-
| ing on certain message bases.
SWAP21S.ZIP 22123 02-27-93 SwapFile 2.1s is a program that is designed
| to swap virtually any program within a BBS.
| It can be utilized to rotate any of your BBS
| screens, menu screens, and virtually any
| other series of screens or programs. With
| SwapFile, you as a Sysop, can customize your
| BBS as never before possible. It's only
| limitation is the ability to rotate only
| three files. With the registered version, you
| may rotate up to 99 files. SwapFile will
SWB928G.ZIP 394182 12-01-92 Shareware bulletin graphics add on.
SWB928TI.ZIP 127971 12-02-92 ShareWare Bladet volume #8; ShareWare Bladet
| reviews new shareware & public domain
| programs and provides relavant info for the
| share- ware user worldwide. English language.
SWBM100.ZIP 225824 07-26-93 Star Wars Bulletin Maker v1.00; Creates nice
| looking bulletins from an extended script
| database. Colors are configurable, and easy
| to set up and maintain. Generates random or
| sequential bulletins.
SWITCH-L.ZIP 30182 08-24-93 SwitcheRoo v2.0; Effective in giving your BBS
| a "new" look. What Switcheroo! does is after
| each and every call, switches your menu and
| display screens so that your next caller is
| met with all new displays.
SWR101.ZIP 8939 12-15-91 Switcher V1.01. Allow users to select either
| toped or quicked.
SXR302.ZIP 399542 01-21-93 Silver Xpress Off-line Mail Reader 3.02 from
| Santronics Software. Now in 5th year! New
| information management technology with
| off-line fax, off-line forms, Speech Friendly
| Interface, much more! Full Shareware Version
| with QWK Support.
SYREAD03.ZIP 122497 03-07-92 Allfiles.lst created automatically for
| Searchlight BBS.
SYSJAIL.ZIP 7466 03-15-93 Sysop from Houston does time in Georgia jail.
| Text by Lance Rose. Legal Copy/trade atty.
SYSMEN1.ZIP 16276 11-16-91 Selection of BRDS menus and Utils.
SYSOPS01.ZIP 5333 01-02-92 THE HISTORY OF THE BBS USER; A Musical Drama
| in -V- parts. Series of messages between a
| sysop and a new user.
SYSSEC10.ZIP 42907 01-17-93 Sysop Secretary. For GAP Sysops. Reads
| USER.DAT file and will print several reports.
| Will also print address labels.
SYUTLB36.ZIP 137325 12-21-92 SYSUTIL v1.0ß36; A sysop utility for GT Power
| bulletin boards. This program is designed to
| make a sysop's life easier. Try it!
T2305SV.ZIP 1039446 05-11-92 NCSA Telnet v2.3b1.
TAG201.ZIP 86047 05-29-93 Tagfile v2.01 Full Release / no delays. The
| Ultimate in file tagging and batch upload
| utilities. Handles SDI, DIZ and DOZ
| description file formats. Compatible with
| most file compression formats for adding
| description files to compressed files. Uses
| the multiple file transfer protocol options
| of DSZ, BiModem and HS/Link!
TASK.ZIP 11068 09-07-92 {COMMO} macros that allow you to
| automatically execute DOS pgms at any time of
| the day on any day of the week.
TBANK107.ZIP 81134 02-26-92 WWIV Online Time Bank v1.07; Allows your
| users to save their unused time.
TBBS22.ZIP 27434 12-22-92 TBBS 2.2 update.bin
TBLT09D.ZIP 49919 04-30-92 TOPBLT v0.9d; Complete PCBoard User Bulletin
| Statistics Generator - Best/Worst
| Posters,Callers,Msg Readers,UL/DL/PCR's. All
| one program. Cmd line driven. NEW: Top
| ULBYTES/DLBYTES bulletins, internal colour
| schemes & header generation. Ability set min
| values for blts. v0.9d now provides a lot of
| 'default' configurability.
TCATBAT.ZIP 3577 03-28-92 Wildcat/Tomcat utility. Makes up or download
| of local mail packet fast & easy, and no need
| to log-on to system.
TCB-201B.ZIP 50115 03-29-93 TCB v2.01 [Today's Callers Bulletin Creator]
| Truly configurable utility, creates "Today's
| Callers" bulletin(s) for your SuperBBS
| system. Use one of the supplied sample
| configurations, or build your own unique
| bulletin style. You can control EXACTLY what
| information is displayed, which callers are
| included, and by what criteria; you can set
| EVERY colour, EVERY character, and more!
| Supports multiple logfiles (it sorts them,
TCFG10.ZIP 29633 08-07-93 TNETCFG, TNET.CFG file maker. TNET.CFG made
| easy!
TCM160.ZIP 12826 07-17-92 TNET Configuration Maker v1.60 - WC! Systems
| Makes TNet Configuration Files Now Supports
| WC! 3.5x & TNET 3.5x BRUN45 required but not
| included in archive.
TDCL_150.ZIP 13662 10-01-91 Today's Callers V1.50 (Timezone Bug Fixed).
TDS0703.ZIP 44739 07-03-92 TDS Network; Worldwide Distributor of PCBoard
| Doors and Utilities. We carry everything from
| 1989 to the most recent Doors . Over 220
| members spanning 20 countries. Application
| and Info archive. >> TOLL FREE ACCESS FOR
| PCBoard / PCBoard Compatible DOOR & UTILITY
| AUTHORS<<. We also support Mail Orders on
| DISK, TAPE, and Fido TICK File Areas.
TELEFLRA.ZIP 2918 08-25-93 Credit card processing for your BBS or
| ShareWare programming! Teleflora CreditLine,
| a 3rd party credit card processor, wants to
| do business with you.
TESTF21D.ZIP 6679 03-19-92 What to expect in Testfile 2.1 ? Are you a
| Sysop ? Do you call yourself a Sysop and you
| don't have TESTFile 2.1 ? Shame on you !!
| Take a look at what Testfile 2.1 offers !
TIME93.ZIP 17413 07-14-93 The subject of TIME from WISDOM OF THE AGES.
| 78 Quotes, Sayings and Ideas about Eternity,
| Past, Present and Future. Material is divided
| into seven sections. Authors and dates are
| listed.
TIMEIT10.ZIP 12254 02-13-93 Timeit/Wait Utility v1.0; Wait for specified
| number of seconds, or until it is told to
| stop waiting either by a file appearing in
| the directory it was called from, or by
| pressing ESC. Very useful for co- ordinating
| BBS events across multiple nodes.
TIMEWAIT.ZIP 23960 07-01-91 BBS Utility to Allow 1 Node to Wait until a
| Specific Time
TLA31.ZIP 48219 10-03-92 TLA - The Log Analyzer v3.1 (FREEWARE)
TLIST120.ZIP 34306 03-27-93 Ezycomm Filelist and Areabanner Creator.
TMSTAT2.ZIP 43771 11-07-91 TimeStat Version 2.0 Creates a 24 Hour format
| bulletin displaying the most used hours.
| Works with PCBoard 14.5 and UltraBBS.
TODAYC12.ZIP 34579 10-02-93 TODAY's CALlers 1.2: Generates bulletin files
| showing who called your BBS today. Supports
| multiple nodes! for Powerboard 1.25a.
TOP100BB.ZIP 7532 08-09-93 The 1993 Boardwatch Top 100 BBS list
TOP100BW.ZIP 11218 08-12-93 Winners in the BoardWatch 100 Readers' Choice
| BBS Contest 1993. Also includes information
| about ONE BBS CON
TOPTEN26.ZIP 84029 05-09-93 TopTen v2.5; Creates A Bulletin Showing The
| TopTen Message POSTERs, Message Readers,
| Callers, (By Number Of Callers) Downloaders,
| (By Number Of DOWNLoads AND By The Number Of
| Bytes) And Uploaders, (By Number Of UPLoads
| AND By The Number Of Bytes)
TOR117.ZIP 95046 10-05-92 PCTor v1.7: run Amtor on a PC with a low cost
| external HF modem.
TQOTD.ZIP 45857 01-31-93 The Quote of The Day Version 4.21; Pull
| quotes from a normal everyday ASCII text file
| and place them nice and neat in an ANSI and
| ASCII file. You do have the ability to add
| your own quotes, plus display the quotes in
| sequential or random order with great speed.
| Currently offer over 800 quotes!
TQOTD465.ZIP 217291 08-18-92 The Quote of The Day v4.65.
TSTAMP12.ZIP 12407 06-21-92 TriStamp v1.2; Archive Comment Utility For
| The TriBBS Bulletin Board System. Allows you
| to add comments to all uploaded ZIP + ARJ
| archives on your TriBBS system. Easy
| installation and zero maintnance make this
| the perfect choice for all archive comment
| needs. Small, fast and extremely easy to
| install. Comments can be up to 20,000 K in
| size! Designed specially for the TriBBS
| Bulletin Board System. All done automatically
TS_50QRP.ZIP 1509 03-19-93 Reduce TS-50 power to QRP standards by WA6E
TTEST200.ZIP 44247 02-05-93 TeleTest 2.00 archive tester for any BBS pro.
TUBS10E.ZIP 132948 10-04-92 The Ultimate Byte System v1.0. File Ratios,
| Byte Ratios. Bytes alloted by session total
| or real ratios. Account bytes available,
| annual, monthly, weekly or daily byte limit!
| Sysop configurable by security level or user.
| Extremly fast and seamless integration into
| PCBoard. Supports base baud rates, session
| limits, daily limits, and much, much more!
TURBOBLA.ZIP 10012 09-18-91 Turbo bbs lister in ANSI.
TUSERSP4.ZIP 28954 01-08-93 TOPUSERS v4.0; This version will handle up to
| 4000 users!
TYCB15.ZIP 45768 10-07-93 Today/Yesterday Callers Bulletin v1.5; Little
| utility that will create a bulletin listing
| all the users that have called you BBS Today
| And Yesterday with both ANSI and ASCII
| Bulletins. Colors are completely
| configurable, and access levels to include
| are completely configurable. TYCB is a
| complete design your own bulletin system.
| Version 1.5 allows you to specify 7 bit
| characters to use for the ASCII bulletins.
UBBSDIZ.ZIP 45452 03-01-92 UBBSDIZ v1.0 Will scan new uploads for file
| FILE_ID.DIZ. If it exists UBBSDIZ will import
| the comment into the FILEBASE file. Written
| by Robert Neal - CHQBBS.
UBBSLA33.ZIP 59535 12-18-91 System Info for UltraBBS, Checks for new files
UBBSTU11.ZIP 44104 07-17-91 Ultra bbs top user v1.1. Create top user
| reports for top callers, up and downloaders,
| message posts, etc. Colour and text output.
UBDATE.ZIP 8473 12-23-91 Ultra BBS utility to insert the date of the
| latest file in a zip as the last line of the
| file description.
UCDMGR.ZIP 229631 12-14-92 Ultimate CD-ROM Manager v3.2; Access all your
| CD-ROMs from one program. View, reports and
| more! Knows that #1PRG.ZIP _1PRG.LZH and
| 1PRG.ARJ may be the same program, and lists
| them together. Reports include unique,
| duplicate file lists, remove floppy dupes,
| decide on buying new CDs, convert FILES.BBS
| formats, create FILES.BBS.
UCHAT105.ZIP 147924 03-29-93 (UChat) v1.05; features multiple coloured
| text, SysOp/User macros, page tunes, and many
| other features. Slick configuration program,
| and many page tunes.
UDIZ101.ZIP 12237 05-03-93 UDIZ v1.01; Utility to import a FILE_ID.DIZ
| description in an archive into the UltraBBS
| FileBase. Supports multiple archive types and
| opens the FileBase in shareable mode to allow
| multi-line use.
UEDIT55.ZIP 147213 03-20-93 Virtual BBS External User Editor v5.5
UFBF.ZIP 9157 07-13-93 UFBF v1.0; Fast Bulletin Fix will allow you
| to remove and add BBS variables or text to
| ascii and ansi bulletin files. For BBS sysops
| this makes adding and deleting text during
| door usage and events much easier. Works with
| all BBS, door and utility bulls.
UFO11.ZIP 57734 07-12-92 Unwanted File Organizer Version 1.1
UI4_17.ZIP 51241 10-16-93 UI4-17.ZIP - October 16, 1993 issue of The
| Underground Informer (Vol. 4 #17), a
| bi-weekly online newsletter written by and
| for BBS users. The UI is available to sysops
| for distribution on their own boards.
| Stories, commentary, and lunacy! Bonus
| Halloween party GIF included.
ULFS10.ZIP 11601 08-18-91 Upload free space monitor for all bbs's.
ULTBBS.ZIP 6614 09-30-91 One sysops view of what the ultimate BBS
| program is, and his quest as a programmer to
| create it.
ULTEST27.ZIP 55201 09-21-92 ULTESTER.EXE and ULTCFG.EXE Version 2.70
| Ultester is a comprehensive test utility for
| new uploads on FeatherNet bbs' or on PCBoard
| bbs'. E-Z to use config program for fast
| setup. Compact, fast and low memory usage.
| Scans for viruses, tests ARJ, ZIP, LZH, TD0,
| ARC and GIF. Sysop may choose to allow or
| disallow any file types and limit uploads to
| one archive type. Provides age restraint by
| percentage of total files overaged. Author:
ULTRCK14.ZIP 19850 04-01-93 UPLOAD TRACKER v1.4beta; tracks daily uploads
| in a single upload area or multiple upload
| areas assigned by you. All info is displayed
| on an attractive screen showing, not only the
| name of the file uploaded, but the
| description as well. Small, Fast, Versatile.
| Easy Set up. A Wildcat! 3.x utility
UPDBIN.ZIP 20931 03-28-92 Update patch for users of TBBS v2.2.
UPNAME.ZIP 7805 11-15-91 Add uploaders name to FILES.BBS.
UP_DOWN.ZIP 7362 01-08-92 Upload/Download Protocol setting programs For
| TBBS 2.2 using TDBS v1.1x or Gamepak TDBS
URESET10.ZIP 9648 01-29-92 Ultra BBS: Reset message pointers for Ultra
| BBS messages in user records.
USAMAP.ZIP 6204 03-11-93 Menu/Map screen for Robo Graphical BBS. Users
| just click the map from their area.
USERAGES.ZIP 29042 03-19-91 Prints a graph of user ages for VBBS.
USERDIR.ZIP 9579 02-04-93 386 BSD User directory listing.
USERUTL.ZIP 177400 07-01-93 User Control Utility Multi-Node v3.0
USRCHK31.ZIP 63630 01-18-93 USERCHEK 3.1, an rbbs callback verifier. Made
| specifically for rbbs, will handle new phone
| co calling schemes. New features, color,
| better comm routines, more user friendly.
| Need to register to perform all functions.
USRED12.ZIP 44023 10-19-92 UserEd for BBBS v1.2; Allows sysop to edit
| BBBSUSR.DAT file without first entering the
| BBS.
USTATV30.ZIP 34924 09-02-92 USERSTAT will compile information about the
| active users of your BBS and display that
| information in one of two ways. The first way
| is to print a list of the top and bottom
| active users. The "rating" of each active
| user is calculated by one of three different
| formulas.
UUCODE.ZIP 17523 02-20-91 These are DOS versions of the *nix utilities
| of the same name. UUencoding is the Unix to
| Unix encoding of binary files so that they
| may be transmitted in the text of a message.
VALL_100.ZIP 49234 09-02-93 VIEWALL v1.0 Online file viewing front end
| utility. View files while online your BBS
| locally. BMP, GIF, JPG, PCX, TGA, TIF and
| will also play FLI files and play VOC, CMF,
| WAV and MID files on your Sound Blaster or
| compatable sound board. VIEWALL also shells
| to your favorite archive file viewer. Works
| with any DOOR.SYS compatible BBS system.
VBBSNODE.ZIP 32231 01-27-92 VBBS utility to change your network node #
| throughout all message bases, file areas etc.
VCDROM11.ZIP 40385 01-12-93 VCDROM 1.10b1; Utility for creating the file
| listings databases for shareware CD-ROMs Such
| as So Much Shareware /x From Power User
| Software, PC-SIG CDs, and Night Owl CDs.
VDIZ5601.ZIP 37173 03-03-93 VDIZ v5.60.01; VBBS 5.6 Utility to automate
| importe of FILE_ID.DIZ & DESC.SDI from zips
VFAM116.ZIP 148640 05-02-92 VersaFAM file area mgr v1.16 supports CD-ROM
| and much more.
VFORK.ZIP 12316 02-09-93 VFORK VBBS visual network structure; Display
| a type 1 (VNET) network in a visual manner.
VGIX30A.ZIP 71616 01-29-93 VGIX .30a; An introductory demo release of
| the graphical front-end written specifically
| for The Virtual BBS/NET ver 5.6x and up.
VLOAD56C.ZIP 43655 01-17-93 VLOAD 5.60c - ASCII to VBBS File Database
| Converter. VLOAD will import any ASCII file,
| such as FILES.BBS into the standard 5.60A1
| VBBS file format.
VLOGS560.ZIP 70567 01-06-93 VBBS Network Log Analyser v5.60.00; VLOGS
| maintains and analyzes a full historical
| statistical record of your network
| connections for a whole year at a time.
VNODE560.ZIP 68538 01-06-93 VBBS Node Amender Version 5.60.00; If you
| have to change your node number, or even the
| network to which you belong, this program
| will amend all references to your old node
| number and network number, replacing them
| with your new node number and network number.
VPIX19I.ZIP 339107 04-27-92 Now Users Can View GIFs while online! Great
| Program for SYSOPS to install on their
| Bulletin Boards as GIF viewing Door! Easy
| installation, innovation and application
| makes this program a must on all BBS's.
VPP2.ZIP 55230 03-10-93 Virtual Packer Peek; works with VBBS 5.6+
VSUBS560.ZIP 73608 02-04-93 VBBS Message/File Area Subscription v5.60.01
VTREE560.ZIP 75232 02-11-93 VBBS Network Tree 5.60.03; A little program
| to draw the network structure of a VirtualNET
| type network in a nice tree format. It also
| reports any errors or invalid connections
| that it discovers.
VUSER560.ZIP 68880 01-06-93 VBBS User Purger v5.60.0; Allows you to
| automatically delete all users who have not
| called for at least a certain number of days,
| who have a security level no higher than a
| specified level.
VUU101.ZIP 78879 04-18-93 Another replacement for VUUCP, the VBBS UUCP
| interface, updated for v6.1.
VWW4CHK3.ZIP 9198 03-07-93 VWW4-CHK v4.0; This program is to fix VBBS's
| problem with not fully loading all the
| parameters of the WWIV CALLOUT.NET.
WAKESYS.ZIP 70528 02-15-93 24-hr telephone wake-up service system: a
| shareware demo program of an automated
| home-based business. 02/15/93.
WATDG121.ZIP 12757 10-31-92 WatchDog 1.21 <ASP> !!FREE UTILITY FOR BBS!!
| Monitors Carrier on a COM port, detects
| hanging programs (e.g. faulty doorways). If
| carrier is lost, a program hangs, or the BBS
| fails to go offhook, the machine is rebooted.
| Boot may be delayed to allow cache pgms to
| flush to disk. COM1-COM4 and custom serial
| ports supported. 10-30-92
WCHAT-10.ZIP 47274 01-15-92 WaspChat! High-speed external chat for any
| BBS program. It can be configured to any
| SysOp's need! Colors, strings and style can
| all be set by the operator!
WCHELLO.ZIP 32732 02-04-93 Use this to create either a bulletin or a
| hello screen.
WGMDMS35.ZIP 66201 01-17-92 WGM-DMS v.3.5 - PCBoard 14.x Sysop Utility
| This utility does the following: - Create
| directory headers. - Create conference
| directory files. - Create up to 99 bulletin
| files. - Create up to 99 master file
| listings. Written by Wayne G. Maas
WGMMAK10.ZIP 17216 07-30-92 WGM-MAKE v.1.0 A PCBoard utility that will
| scan a DOS directory and create a PCBoard
| directory text file from it. Will also add
| FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI description files to
| the directory file.FREEWARE Author: Wayne G.
| Maas
WHATDAY.ZIP 36434 11-10-91 rotate bulletins for according to what day of
| the week it is
WHO2.ZIP 28875 08-06-91 Allows users to know whos using other nodes
WHO503.ZIP 198440 01-03-93 * WhoCalledPRO! * V5.03 * New In 5.0 - Design
| Your OWN Bulletin Headers! WhoCalled
| Professional Is For PCBoard SysOps To Track
| Their Previous XX Callers And Post The Info
| Into Bulletin XX. It Tracks & Posts The Users
| DateOn, Name, Speed, TimeUsed, Msgs Posted,
| Files U/D/L'd And Average CPS On File Xfers.
| Has An Easy To Use Installation And Editing
| Utility. TRASH Version 5.02!
WMSCAN1.ZIP 39286 09-05-91 WM LOG SCANNER; This program scans your log
| file and shows you the stats of everthing
| that happened. You can tell at a glance if
| everything has ran smoothly.
WPAD101.ZIP 9712 03-28-92 WhizPad, v1.01; A notepad utility primarily
| for FOSSIL-based BBS systems
WRTRYB11.ZIP 14802 01-27-92 WriteRYB Version 1.1. RYBBS 7.x text to
| message base importer. Shareware.
WTCHDG.ZIP 9984 07-27-92 WatchDog 1.20 is a resident utility designed
| for BBS'es and other remote operated compu-
| ters. It monitors the Carrier on a COM port,
| and also detects hanging programs (e.g.
| faulty doorways). If carrier is lost or a
| program hangs, the computer is rebooted.
| Reboot may be delayed to allow lazy-write
| caches flush their data to disk. NEW: reboot
| at a specific ring count. Zero-Registration
| Shareware 07-27-92
WWIVVBBS.ZIP 42997 01-15-92 VBBS utility to convert all WWIV BBS sections
| to VBBS format.
WWPHRS10.ZIP 24198 05-21-93 WWPhrase version 1.0 for WWIV WWPhrase is a
| WWIV utility that outputs a phrase (either
| specified by you or randomly selected from a
| file) and inserts user information where you
| specify with special @codes. Easy to run,
| fun, and useful. Shareware by Platypus
| Programming - $2
WWSTRP10.ZIP 11425 05-21-93 WWStrip version 1.0 WWIV color remover
| removes WWIV color codes from menu files,
| etc., facilitating easier editing. Very fast
| and easy to use. Shareware by Platypus
| Programming - $2
WWTYPE10.ZIP 13408 05-21-93 WWType v.1.0 brings WWIV color to DOS by
| recreating the DOS TYPE command with the
| ability to display WWIV colors including
| centering! Fast and easy! Shareware by
| Platypus Programming - $2
X2T11.ZIP 22881 09-28-91 AtX2Txt v1.1 Convert files containing
| PCBoard's color codes and @ variables to text
| files; automatically ZIP them for
| downloading; will process unlimited number of
| files; smart enough to know if original has
| not changed. Freeware, A. Keeves
XBBS_118.ZIP 704075 04-04-92 XBBS 1.18 self-installation archive
XCON_100.ZIP 49883 11-11-91 X_Con; The XBBS Configuration Editor X_Con
| edits CONFIG.BBS. It has mouse support, is
| very easy to use and has a help line at the
| bottom of the screen for the input fields
XMSGFIX.ZIP 36976 05-01-92 this is the message base maintenance utility
| for XBBS. If you don't have XBBS, this won't
| do you much good.
XPRESS25.ZIP 553197 05-14-93 E-X-P-R-E-S-S v2.5; SoundBlaster Support with
| VGA Font. This Program Is The SysOp's
| Marketing Tool For The 1990's. If You Want
| Your Users To Know About Your BBS And Set
| Yourself Apart, This Menuing Utility Will Do
| The Job For You! Easy To Configure.
XST26A.ZIP 62203 09-20-91 Updated scanner/tosser for XBBS.
XTRA3.ZIP 45025 01-21-93 Bulletin and News Maker; Creates Ansi and
| Ascii Screens and now has command line
| options for larger files! Supports over 10
| BBS types and loaded with features!
XUPG_119.ZIP 258169 06-03-92 XBBS v1.19 upgrade; This is not a complete
| XBBS package. It is an upgrade package for
| upgrading from v1.18 to v1.19 only.
Y3_00.ZIP 48768 03-28-93 All-Files List Generator for most any BBS
| software
YELL25.ZIP 39366 07-12-92 Yell 2.5: replacement chat command for SLBBS
| versions 2.xx.
ZBOARD10.ZIP 132222 02-02-93 Z-Board v1.0; Object Oriented Menu System For
| SYSOPS to Introduce Their Bulletin Boards to
| Users. Z-Board is Mouse Driven. Easy To Set
| Up. A SysOp Marketing Utility!
ZDCS202.ZIP 116028 02-16-93 Corrects a couple of bugs and contents
| signature type of duplicate checking program
ZDCSAT02.ZIP 45855 08-19-91 ZDCSAT v.01; will create an ASCII text file
| containing the list of zip files on your BBS
| that contain files that you have designated
| BBS-Ads.
ZDCSHELP.ZIP 1928 10-04-91 Text File explaining the use of ZDCS and
| Running it thur a Muliti line BBS (network)
ZIPS13.ZIP 12479 06-30-92 Z i p S t a m p V e r 1 . 3 - Zip Stamp
| allows you to add comments to all uploaded
| ZIP archives up to 20,000 kb in size!
| Supports many major bulletin board packages,
| including TriBBS, PCBoard, RBBS-PC, Spitfire
| and more! All done automatically via a batch
| file. It's fast, easy to use, and simple to
| install. Design your own comments, can be
| either ANSI color graphics, or a simple ASCII
| text file. Also can be run directly from the
ZLABSCRS.ZIP 2191 01-03-93 ZipLab 2.0 Upload Test result screens. Shows
| tests that were performed and their results.
| Archive includes PASS & FAIL screens with
| installation instructions.